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My Story

​When we became first-time parents to our beautiful little boy, George, the first 4 months were bliss! We thought we had nailed parenting and had the most angelic, natural sleeper.


Then the 4 month sleep regression hit and boy did it floor us.​ We had around 6 weeks of our little one waking every hour and only feeding to sleep or being rocked to sleep. 'Luckily' for us after 6 exhausting weeks, sleeps started getting slightly longer as we started getting our heads around the magic of wake windows and daytime naps. ​Just as we were settling into some sort of sleep routine, our little boy picked up his first bug and it threw us back into a sleepless spin.


Fast forward a few months and we were exhausted...again. I was due to end my maternity leave and return to work with a baby that was waking between 10 - 14 times per night and I just knew we needed help, so we reached out to a sleep consultant who turned our world around. 


​I will admit, I was reluctant to use a sleep consultant because I had heard horror stories of having to leave your child to 'cry it out' and I knew this wasn't the way I wanted to sleep train. But we set down some very strong ground rules and the top of that list was that I would not be leaving my baby to cry.


So we worked on a gentle sleep training method to support my little one in his new journey to sleep and what a life-changing event it was.​After this, I knew I wanted to be a sleep consultant. I wanted to help families to get their sleep back on track, not just for the sake of their baby, but also for the sake of their mental health.


If you'd like to book a free 15 minute call with me to discuss your little ones sleep click here

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